Students Entering Grades K and 1

Common Core Aligned Lessons and Activities

The foundational skills covered are aligned with the

Maryland State and Common Core standards:


  • Introduction to Letters and Sounds (K)

  • Introduction to Sounds and Spellings (1)

  • Dolch Pre-Primer and Primer Sight Word Practice


  • Building an understanding of Numbers through 100 (K)

  • Building an understanding of operations and algebraic thinking through 10. (K)

  • developing understanding of addition, subtraction, and strategies for addition and subtraction within 20. (1)

  • developing understanding of whole number relationships and place value, including grouping in tens and ones. (1)

  • developing understanding of linear measurement and measuring lengths as iterating length units. (1)

  • reasoning about attributes of, and composing and decomposing geometric shapes. (1)

Hands-on activities

Our activities are student-center and designed to keep your child engaged. Whether it’s learning how to draw the solar system, memorizing a song about the seasons, they will be sure to learn effectively.


Entering 2nd - 3rd Grade